Computer Cleanup Challenge: Bookmarks
Week 4: Bookmarks
I’m as guilty as anyone else of bookmarking more than I need to. But it’s just so easy to click the little save button when you find something interesting. Browser bookmarks are a convenient way to keep track of those things you don’t have time to review now but don’t want to leave as an open tab.
Hint: Open tabs are too easily lost if you accidentally shut down your browser or your computer.
But how many of us have a ginormous list of bookmarks, many of which we don’t even remember saving?
There’s an easy way to remedy that. Take 5 – 10 minute a day to go through your bookmark list.
First, check to make sure the link is still valid. Then, determine if you are still interested in the information. As David Allen says, if you can read it through/review the site in two minutes or less, do it! Don’t forget to remove the bookmark once you’re done with the site.
Need to save the bookmark for future reference? Find a way to store those ‘permanent’ bookmarks separate from the ‘still need to review this info’ bookmarks.
Most browsers will allow you to organize your bookmarks into folders as a way of keeping things sorted out. You could also use Evernote or OneNote as a bookmark reference tool.
You made it to the end of the challenge! Great job on sticking with it! If you joined us for the entire challenge this month I hope your computer is a bit more organized and things are easier to find. Has the increased organization led to greater productivity for you? More free time that you were spending looking for things?
If you want to take a more in-depth look at organizing your computer, you can let me know by signing up for a Discovery Conversation today! I’d love to chat about your organizing goals.