How to handle record breaking email

two large cows standing in an open meadow looking towards the camera

It’s fair season here in North Texas and the newsman tonight reported that the Grand Champion steer sold for a record $155,000. It was a good looking cow, objectively speaking, all creamy yellow and doe-eyed. Was it worth $155,000? Who knows. I couldn’t tell you if that was an impressive number or not – cows aren’t my thing. 

But email is my thing. I’ve seen unread counts of 70, 700, even 70,000. That last one might have been close to record-breaking email – although I’d bet someone can beat it. It seems everywhere I go, someone has a higher unread count than the last person I’ve talked to. When I ask them ‘how do you feel about that?’, most people shrug and say, it’s just life, probably won’t ever be any different.

They’re wrong. It doesn’t matter how high your unread email count is, you can get your email under control and keep it that way. Yes, it takes a little work, but it is doable. The first step is accepting that you’re never going to read all those unread messages. Chances are, you’ve read some of them already using your phone or tablet.

Interested in more tips to get your inbox under control? Let’s chat!


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