4 Things to Know About Protecting Your Documents
If you’ve been hanging around with me for any amount of time, you’ve heard me talk about the importance of backing up your documents. So what can you do to protect yourself? Here are four things to know when it comes to protecting your documents.
Using Evernote and ‘Getting Things Done’ to Rock Your To-Do Lists!
I use some of the principles of Getting Things Done by David Allen when using Evernote for task management. The program called The Secret Weapon really helped me figure out how to marry the two. Here’s how I’ve set up Evernote to be my to-do list.
Are you in sync?
When you move from one computer to another, do your bookmarks and settings follow you? Chrome and Firefox both offer a version of account sync. Here’s how you can stay in sync between devices.
Keeping your contacts safe
Have you backed up your contacts lately? Your contact list is a highly valued item for an entrepreneur. The first step to being organized is to make sure that all of your contacts are in one place.